Tue May 09 @ 5:30PM – Village Board Meeting |
Tue May 16 @ 7:00PM – Planning Board Meeting |
Tue May 23 @ 5:30PM – Village Board Meeting |
Some updates on East End Park.
East End Park
East End Park and boat launch area is complete.
Thank you to the engineers and contractors for a job well done!
Construction is going well and ahead of schedule but there will be very limited use of the park from the West side of the pavilion over past the west side boat ramp. The village board is very aware of the inconvenience to everyone that has been and will continue to be for people using the park and boat ramps. I am anticipating construction to be complete by early fall if all continues to go as planned. I know how popular this area is for divers especially on weekends but would like to caution the clubs that alternate dives sites may become necessary. Public safety has to be the most important factor and with the large construction equipment and tight deadlines on completing the project access will be limited to a small part from the pavilion eastward. Access to the water will not be hindered other than there will be no parking availability close to where the divers go. With very little green space on that side there will be no room for vehicles to park. The good news is the area will be a showplace for years and years to come for everyone to enjoy. I would appreciate if you could spread the word to any of the dive clubs you might be familiar with or let me know if there are any people I could reach out to directly. The village does have a lot on Elm St. that we are going to make available but it would require a block or so walk and with dive gear that would be problematic. We are going to do our best to have as much public access as possible safely through the construction period. Hopefully all goes really well and we get finished even sooner than expected.
Thanks for any assistance getting the word out.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Village Board to serve the needs of the Village of Cape Vincent with appropriate services and to promote its growth and well-being for its residents.
Cape Vincent is a small-town, rural community with unique scenic, historical and natural resources. We are committed to preserving these essential qualities that make it a desirable place to live, while seeking to improve the local economy by promoting compatible residential and small business growth.
We are happy to announce the Village of Cape Vincent is now accepting Credit and Debit cards for Water/Sewer and Tax Payments! Links are available on this site…Go to Departments, then Village Clerk. If you need further assistance, please call 315-654-2533.
Track your own water usage! Link is available on our site…Go to Departments, then Utilities. The Annual Drinking Quality Report is also available under the Utilities section.

Village Board of Trustees

Jerry Golden

Pamela Youngs

Mary Rupp

Michael Chavoustie

Bob Ewing