Law Enforcement

Our newly constructed police garage dedication
ZOOM Meeting link 3/9/2021
The Cape Vincent Police Department is a part time agency. The agency employs five well seasoned part-time officers that have over 75 years of combined law enforcement experience. This experience combined with being a small town allows our police department to spend its time being proactive rather than reactive. The police department operates with the desire to enhance the quality of life and maintain a pleasant experience for its residents and visitors. Our officers understand the importance of community involvement through community policing and work diligently to foster good working relationships with its residents. The agency works for a successful conclusion of every incident, balancing the outcome based by the need.
The police department is part time and hours of operation vary. Calls for emergencies (911), or for immediate assistance should be directed through the Jefferson County emergency dispatch center (315) 788-1441. They will dispatch the closest available car. Non-emergency calls may be left with the Cape Vincent police department by calling the station at (315) 654-3400 extension 4.
Mayor’s Office
REDI information and updates
Highway Department

The Village of Cape Vincent Highway Department is responsible for all the general maintenance of the Village streets. During the spring, summer and fall, the department works on streets, sidewalks, trees, signs, refuse/recycling pickup, brush pickup and winter preparations. During the winter months, the crew is ready for plowing and ice control at any hour.
Superintendent Marty Mason coordinates the work for the crew and oversees the Village Highway Department. He attends yearly training schools and sees that his crew is properly trained to do their jobs safely and accurately.
** Please be advised that the Village of Cape Vincent can no longer collect mattresses or box springs. They need to be taken to Jefferson County Recycling and Waste Management site at 27138 NY-12 Watertown, NY 13601

Water Department
The Village of Cape Vincent Water Department is run by DPW Superintendent Marty Mason. The water used by the residents is pumped from the Village filtration plant and then distributed. The department is operational seven days a week is has the following duties:
- Water turn ons and offs
- Installing new meters
- Replacing defective meters
- Inspecting water mains
- Flushing fire hydrants
- Maintaining valves
- Performing meter readings
- Maintaining all functions of pump stations
If you bill seem to high, don’t first set blame to your water meter or department officials- check for leaks!
- A ¼” leak wastes 1,181,500 gallons over a three month period
- A 3/16 ” leak wastes 666,000 gallons over a three month period
- A 1/8” leak wastes 296,000 gallons over a three month period
- A 1/16” leak wastes 74,000 gallons over a three month period
Sewer Department
The Sewer Department is also run by Superintendent Marty Mason. The new pump station and sewer treatment plant will be operational in 2013.
For further assistance, please feel free to contact the Superintendant at (315)654-2474 ext. 5 or Water Filtration (315)654-4510 ext. 6 or email him.
New Water/Sewer Billing Rates
Water/Sewer bills are mailed quarterly:
February 1 (covers service for Feb.-April and usage Nov.-Jan) Payment due Feb. 28th without penalty
May 1 (covers service for May-July and usage Feb-April) Payment due May 31th without penalty
August 1 (covers service for Aug-Oct. and usage May-July) Payment due Aug. 31th without penalty
November 1 (covers service for Nov.-Jan. and usage Aug.-Oct.) Payment due Nov. 30th without penalty
A 20% penalty is added to payment received OR postmarked after the due date. (Local Law 1 2013)
Failure to receive bill does not waive the penalty.
For any further questions, please call the Village Office at (315)654-2533
Water/Sewer rates (effective with Aug. 1, 2023 billing)
Water Rates Service charge (per EDU) Consumption
Village residents $30.00 per quarter $3.50 per 1,000 gallons
Sewer Rates Service Charge (per EDU) Consumption
Village residents $165.00 per quarter $3.00 per 1,000 gallons
Outside Village users $247.50 per quarter $3.00 per 1,000 gallons
Other charges (unchanged)
Seasonal shut-offs $25.00 one-time fee
Restoration fee (shut off for non-payment) $25.00
Hook-up fee $400.00 Water line
Hook-up fee $1,000.00 Sewer line
Seasonal residents: All water and sewer customers (including seasonal residents) in the Village of Cape Vincent limits are required to pay the minimum charge quarterly.
NYS law requires that water and sewer funds are self-sustaining. This means that each fund has to be able to support itself in covering all operating expenses and debt service. The minimum charge per residence ensures that the Village can remain self-sustaining.
Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2022
Village Clerk/Treasurer
As a reminder, these links are for VILLAGE residents ONLY. If you live in the Town of Cape Vincent, please visit their website at
Thank you!
Pay your Village Water/Sewer (Accounts 0001-0534) bill here! Pay my bill now
Pay your VillageTax bill ONLY here!! ( This is for Village TAXES ONLY!!) Pay my bill now
Sign up here —-> Phone notification system
Sewer Department
The Sewer Department is also run by Superintendent Marty Mason. The new pump station and sewer treatment plant will be operational in 2013.
For further assistance, please feel free to contact the Superintendant at (315)654-2474 ext. 5 or Water Filtration (315)654-4510 ext. 6 or email him.
New Water/Sewer Billing Rates
Water/Sewer bills are mailed quarterly:
February 1 (covers service for Feb.-April and usage Nov.-Jan) Payment due Feb. 28th without penalty
May 1 (covers service for May-July and usage Feb-April) Payment due May 31th without penalty
August 1 (covers service for Aug-Oct. and usage May-July) Payment due Aug. 31th without penalty
November 1 (covers service for Nov.-Jan. and usage Aug.-Oct.) Payment due Nov. 30th without penalty
A 20% penalty is added to payment received OR postmarked after the due date. (Local Law 1 2013)
Failure to receive bill does not waive the penalty.
For any further questions, please call the Village Office at (315)654-2533
Water/Sewer rates (effective with Aug. 1, 2023 billing)
Water Rates Service charge (per EDU) Consumption
Village residents $30.00 per quarter $3.50 per 1,000 gallons
Sewer Rates Service Charge (per EDU) Consumption
Village residents $165.00 per quarter $3.00 per 1,000 gallons
Outside Village users $247.50 per quarter $3.00 per 1,000 gallons
Other charges (unchanged)
Seasonal shut-offs $25.00 one-time fee
Restoration fee (shut off for non-payment) $25.00
Hook-up fee $400.00 Water line
Hook-up fee $1,000.00 Sewer line
Seasonal residents: All water and sewer customers (including seasonal residents) in the Village of Cape Vincent limits are required to pay the minimum charge quarterly.
NYS law requires that water and sewer funds are self-sustaining. This means that each fund has to be able to support itself in covering all operating expenses and debt service. The minimum charge per residence ensures that the Village can remain self-sustaining.
Village Zoning Office
The Town and Village Zoning Officer, Cody Higgins, will be holding office hours from 8:00am to 12:00pm on Fridays at the TOWN offices starting Friday March 17, 2023. He may also be reached at 315 767-4482.
Zoning Forms/Applications/Maps are available in the Document Center.