Village Zoning Office



Upcoming Events

Village Zoning Office

Cody Higgins

Zoning Officer  

The Town and Village Zoning Officer, Cody Higgins, will be holding office hours from 4:30-6:00 pm on Mondays at the TOWN offices starting Monday December 16, 2024.  He may also be reached at 315 767-4482.

Fax: (315) 654-2775
Village Office 127 E. Joseph St. PO Box 337 Cape Vincent, NY 23618
Hours of Operation

By appointment


Village representative on land use regulations and enforcement.

Primary contact person for the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals.

Issue Zoning Permits, conducts inspections and investigations, maintain records of all administrative actions and papers and enforce the Zoning Code.

Zoning Forms/Applications/Maps are available in the Document Center.