Planning Board



Upcoming Events

Planning Board


Jeffrey Herpel, Chairperson

Term ends 12/31/2025

Richard Hodge

Term ends 12/31/2028

Jeff Brooks

Term ends 12/31/2026

Bill Kirchgessner

Term ends 12/31/2027

David Wiley

Term ends 12/31/2029

Meeting Location

Village Office 127 E. Joseph St. PO Box 337 Cape Vincent, NY 13618

Meeting Schedule

3rd Tuesday of Each Month at 7:00PM

The board has the approval power for site plan reviews, is the planning advisory to the Village Board and makes recommendations for the Board of Appeals referrals.
The Village Planning Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Village Office at 127 E. Joseph St., Cape Vincent, NY 13618.


Approval power for Site Plan Reviews

Planning Advisory to the Village Board.

Recommendations for Board of Appeals referrals.